Rich Internet Applications - an overview (White Paper)
Rich Internet Applications (RIA) are web applications that have the features and functionality of traditional desktop applications. RIA's typically transfer the processing necessary for the user interface to the web client but keep the bulk of the data (i.e maintaining the state of the program, the data etc) back on the application server.
Typically RIA's:
Run in a web browser, or do not require software installation
Run locally in a secure environment called a sandbox
Typically RIA's:
Run in a web browser, or do not require software installation
Run locally in a secure environment called a sandbox
RIA can be light weight on client side, if built using javascript based technology & could be heavy weight (require client side software), if it uses Java or ActiveX control to deliver the rich UI.
If you are interested in a white paper that compares different technologies & software involved in building RIA, contact me at for a copy of the white paper.